Tuesday, February 27, 2007


In response to being shy, I can kind of understand. I'm pretty outgoing, but I do worry about what people think and don't want to come across as an "Amway-type" salesman for my book. I've been in graphic design and marketing since 1989, and have tons of ideas, but I still struggle with personal marketing.

Here are a few ways I get around my insecurities:

1. Utilize your family and friends...My mom and good friends are my best salesmen. It is okay for them to brag about my book. My mom is my biggest seller! Sometimes I give them a free book for helping me out.

2. Get them to ask... I don't often walk up to people and TELL them about my book. I make them ASK. I wear t-shirts with logos of my book or publisher. I give out cool bookmarks that go with the theme of my book and say, "Hey, want a free bookmark?" I tell people about all the wonderful writer's links I have on my site (and then they'll see my book). I pin a button on my purse that says, "Be nice to me or you'll be in my next book." (Compliments of Rosecoloredglasses.com). You get the idea. If they ask, then you're not being pushy or bragging. The quiet approach works best for me.

3. Network... I get involved with all sorts of organizations that are in my same field.

4. Quietly get your name out there... Any time you can get your name on the Internet, go for it. Become "Google-able." So, if an organization calls for "author news," always give it. That way, when someone puts in your name--bam! It pops up!


You want to sell lots of books, you have to start by creating a buzz. This starts in your local area (up to 100 miles).

ADVERTISE...Put ads in your local newspapers. Send your book in for book reviews. Hand out bookmarks, wear t-shirts with your web address, etc.

SPEAKING...Find groups that might be interested in your subject. Even if it is fiction, there is a market. Women's groups for romance, charities for mental and health issues, etc.

BOOK SIGNINGS...Often businesses love to support local authors. If you can't get in with the big sellers, try some of the smaller stores. Don't sell your friends and relatives your book ahead of time, tell them if they want it, to come get it at your signing. This makes you look good and you get the buzz going. Nothing more interesting than a line of people getting autographs. Someone is bound to think you're famous and buy your book!

CHARITY EVENTS...A book signing could coincide with a charity event. Most people will come to support a charity, and while they are there a buzz can be created for your book. For example: Let's say you're an author who has a book with a character who is dealing with breast cancer. Why not host a breast cancer charity event and have a certain percentage of each book sale go to the charity? My current book is about the Army. I am considering doing something for the military spouses in my area. Thinking outside the box.

WEBSITES...We're a media society! You've got to get on the web and then find ways to get your web address in people's faces. Hand out bumper stickers, bookmarks, wear a t-shirt, etc. Then, on your site, put more than just stuff about your book. Give the visitor information or links that makes them want to return. Yahoo has a great, easy to use and inexpensive site builder. I use them and love them!

MAILINGS...Create postcards and mail them to your friends, your co-workers, other writers, people in the industry covered in your book, old school buddies, etc. The more you can get your name out there, the better! (You can also do this via e-mail.)